G7N members are financially protected up to $10,000 USD per transaction between network participants and $50,000 USD collectively across the course of the year.
G7N limits the amount of members per market to ensure every member gets their equal share of cargo within the network. Our current limit is 3 companies per port.
G7N offers multiple forms of support within PR and Marketing, not only through our internal Members News, Bulletins & Social Media platforms but also in various media outlets. This allows you to reach more inter-network members and also new external clients for your business.
Each prospective member company is required to submit strong commercial references to satisfy the requirements of the management of G7N. It is imperative for applicants to prove expertise in local markets and demonstrate having a positive reputation with other agents and carriers, as well as that the company leadership is professional and has integrity in order to be enrolled.
G7N is built up of a number of great companies who all have their own identities within their specific markets. All members can undertake both modes of transport but their strong point will come down to their geographical & market location.
The members area is only accessible for members, however if you do have any questions about specific members in certain markets the G7N team will be happy to advise on the current market status.
G7N does accept multiple offices from prospective members and this does come at a surcharge per additional office. However, listing an office is based on availability within that specific market.
It isn't mandatory to attend the G7N Annual Conference, however meeting with the members will only yield better long term results by meeting face to face. Failure to attend more than 3 consecutive conferences will leave your renewal under scrutiny from the G7N management.