G7N Member Handles Move of 75 CAT Diggers

G7N Member Paragon Saudi Services Complete Move of 75 CAT Diggers to Jordan
The experts at Paragon Saudi Services recently handled the complex move of 75 CAT Diggers from Saudi Arabia to Jordan, a total of 1530 kms. The Excavators included the 930k CAT Wheel loaders, with a high torque, low speed C7.1 ACERT engine works in concert with an intelligent hystat power train to deliver fuel efficiency as standard. This might have been a tremendous task for any normal forwarder, but not for fellow G7N Member Paragon Saudi Services who safely delivered the Excavators & diggers to the consignee in Jordan well on schedule.
About the Company:
Paragon Saudi Services are 10 years old with 4 offices located in Dammam, Jeddah and Riyadh. Their project cargo & heavy lift services include:Out-of-Gauge CargoCharters: Sea & AirPort SuperintendenceMarine InsuranceHazardous CargoWarehousing & ContainerisationMultimodal Transport OperatorStandard & Specialised Packing
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