Successful delivery - LogÃstica Amsel Argentina S.A. & Ever Brite Freight 12:37

From Qatar to Buenos Aires
Our member LogÃstica Amsel Argentina S.A. shared with us a successfully delivered project handled with Ever Brite Freight Solutions.
They experienced some challenges, as the paperwork in origin was quite extensive since the QASCO (Qatar Steel) requested AMSEL additional documentation to be able to carry out this exportation from Qatar. Therefore, with the effort put together with EverBrite, they were able to solve all the obstacles that were faced during the operation and, with all the parties involved (importer, exporter and representatives of both), they were able to carry out this project with total success!
Like ant colonies, Amsel is sure that a good teamwork multiplies the success when working as a block and they are very happy to offer an excellent service to their customers and partners around the World.
LogÃstica Amsel Argentina S.A. hopes to increase the number of these operations in the future and let partners count on their support for what their needs may be.
In G7N we are very happy to see that the collaborations between members can be big and prosperous!