G7N Quarterly Newsletter - Q1 2020

The G7N Quarterly Newsletter will give you
something to occupy yourselves should you have the
odd movement of boredom during your lockdown or
stay at home sentence.
Possibly somewhere in the publication you may see
a photo of yourself or a mention of a worthy job your
company has successfully done.
Our Newsletter is covering many items of interest
including tips on staying at home and keeping
yourself fit there, jobs well done by members,
sporting and charity stuff, and an interesting
editorial on how to get the best out of your
We intend to have more frequent newsletters and
are always looking for interesting editorial as well as
member achievements.
Some of our talented members have pulled off
some challenging projects, some of which are
featured in this publication.
If you too have done a special one recently, pleased let
us know about it as we would like to feature it in our
If you would like to offer editorial on one of your
favourite topics or pet hates, then feel free
to submit your article to David Mills at
In the meantime, stay safe, keep your distance and
always have your mask on if you venture outside.
Please check out the full Newsletter here: https://bit.ly/3ckPzRb